

This newsletter is ment to inform about our issues and events of our association. It is open for your news, questions and challenges.

 We present a summary of our tasks, discoveries, new articles and other issues of an international significance.

Organizational issues:

25.8 – 5.9.2008 a visit odf czech researchers of KPUFO.CZ in Belarusia and Russia, the route: Smolensk, Volgograd, Volžskij, Astrachaň, Moskva, Minsk. A meeting with researchers from "Kosmopolsk“ in Volzske, Astrachan and Minsk UFOCOM - http://www.kpufo.eu/veas/htm/hist_a.htm

International problems:

Crop circles - UFOlats (Latvia): we appeal at the researchers to monitor and produce a diagram of flattening of the plants in crop circles

The springing man - During the second world war a man was seen who used to escape the german soldiers by springing in long distances using springs on his feet. He wasn’t cought and there was no word on him after the war. He was called “Springer”. If there is an information on him in your country,let us know.

Reports of associated organizations


Michail Gerstein, the leader of the ufologist commission of the Russian geological organsation, has a new internet address(in russian): http://miger.ru.

New number of the “TUNNEL“ n.32(russian): http://tonnel-ufo.narod.ru/tonn_32.html

No new discoveries made by an expedition in Siberia „Death valley“ in trails of czech expolrers(in russian): http://www.kpufo.eu/veas/htm/s_jak.htm

Tunguska meteoroid turns 100 years old - http://www.kp.ru/daily/24123/344931/ , http://www.kp.ru/daily/24123/344911/

ETs in museums: http://www.kp.ru/daily/24124.3/345134/


22-24.8. 2008 meeting of the Belarusian association „Kosmopoisk“ at Baranovich: http://www.ufo-com.net/articles/detail.php?ID=1408


Expedition on the bigfoot of the Latvia-latvian scientists talk about their encaunter with a mysterious creature - http://www.necton.lv/modules/news/article.php?storyid=264

the people of Latvia announce UFO sightings-one case on video: http://www.ufo.lv/rus/news/ufolats/2008/?15204

Summer camp of UFOlats - http://www.ufo.lv/rus/news/ufolats/2008/?15329

Czech Republic

The case of strange red lights in the skies solved-they were small flying baloon lanterns flied by vietnameese and chineese citizens on their festivals(czech): -   http://www.fantastickafakta.cz/2008/08/zarici-ufo.html

After a repair of a house in a village Lhánice their owners hear a strange noise. There is a nuclear power plant and a military base in the vicinity and noise was suspected to come from the turbines. Investigating scientist however haven’t found the reason for it. Similar case was in belarussian Minsk. The cuase then was the water piplines(czech): http://tn.nova.cz/zpravy/regionalni/vesnici-na-vysocine-ve-ktere-strasi-zacali-zkoumat-vedci.html

19.9. – 21.9. 2008 – 7.meeting of "Geofond“: http://www.kpufo.cz/whb/akcehb.htm


UFO Struck by UFO over Transylvania -  http://ufos.about.com/b/2008/06/11/ufo-struck-by-ufo-over-transylvania.htm

Romanian MIG fighter plane stuck by UFO - Government confirms with video ! - http://www.realufos.net/2008/06/romanian-mig-fighter-plane-stuck-by-ufo.html * http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2008/06/06/UFOs_hit_Romanian_plane/UPI-35591212793074/

Responses welcomed

 East European Association of Paranormal Phenomena Researchers
